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2022/2/26 0:18:49发布70次查看
美国马萨诸塞大学医学院robert h brown团队研究了腺相关病毒和microrna抑制sod1治疗家族性肌萎缩侧索硬化症(als)的疗效。该成果于2020年7月9日发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》上。业内人士认为,基因融合检测的发展标志着整个行业在快速稳步的前进中。
title: sod1 suppression with adeno-associated virus and microrna in familial als
author: christian mueller, phd,, james d berry, md,, diane m mckenna-yasek, rn,, gwladys gernoux, phd,, margaret a owegi, md,, lindsay m pothier, bs,, catherine l douthwright, phd,, dario gelevski, bs,, sarah d luppino, bsn, rn,, meghan blackwood, bs,, nicholas s wightman, bs,, derek h oakley, md, phd,, matthew p frosch, md, phd,, terrence r flotte, md,, merit e cudkowicz, md,, and robert h brown, jr, dphil, md
issuevolume: 2020-07-08
abstract: summary two patients with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (als) and mutations in the gene encoding superoxide dismutase 1 (sod1) were treated with a single intrathecal infusion of adeno-associated virus encoding a microrna targeting sod1 in patient 1, sod1 levels in spinal cord tissue as analyzed on autopsy were lower than corresponding levels in untreated patients with sod1-mediated als and in healthy controls levels of sod1 in cerebrospinal fluid were transiently and only slightly lower in patient 1 but were not affected in patient 2 in patient 1, meningoradiculitis developed after the infusion; patient 2 was pretreated with immunosuppressive drugs and did not have this complication patient 1 had transient improvement in the strength of his right leg, a measure that had been relatively stable throughout his disease course, but there was no change in his vital capacity patient 2 had stable scores on a composite measure of als function and a stable vital capacity during a 12-month period this study showed that intrathecal microrna can be used as a potential treatment for sod1-mediated als
doi: 101056nejmoa2005056


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